Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Schedule Changes at American TKD and Fitness

Starting October 1st, Master John McCrackin will be teaching a hapkido class every Saturday morning from 9:00am-10:15pm.  A typical class will follow this schedule:
1.  Stretching and Warmups
2.  Ki Development Exercises
3.  Breakfalls & Rolling
4.  Striking Drills
5.  Sweeps, Throws, Takedowns
6.  Joint Locks, Escapes, Submissions
7.  One-Step Self Defense

Grandmaster Henk Boese will be emphasizing free-sparring during his Monday night classes this fall.  Expect a grueling workout that includes kicking and situation drills thrown in between rounds of free-sparring.  The expectations are high as we enter tournament season early next year.

Starting October 14th Master Mike Fenske will be moving his TKD/Ground Fighting class from Tuesdays to Fridays at 6:30pm.

Tuesday nights will still have a kids class at 5:40pm, but there will not be an all belts/ages at the regular 6:30pm time.  A class may be set up for this slot later this fall.

A copy of our class schedule may be found here http://www.atf.nu/schoolinfo/index.html