Sunday, November 4, 2012

Central WI Taekwondo Championships

On Saturday, November 3rd, a group from American Taekwondo 
& Fitness competed in the 2012 Central Wisconsin Taekwondo 
Championships in Stevens Point, WI.  The team did extremely 
well in the three events of forms, board breaking and free-
sparring.  The total awards include 17 gold medals, 9 silver 
medals, and 6 bronze medals.

A special thank you to Master Stephen Decker from Steven's Taekwondo Academy of Stevens Point, WI for hosting and organizing the event.  Everything seemed to run very smooth, and members from the ATF were happy to assist with the competition rings.  I hope this becomes a continued event. 

Medal Breakdown:

Master John McCrackin (5th dan) - 1st forms
Master Deverick Ohms (4th dan) - 1st forms, 1st breaking, 1st sparring
Master Davin Ohms (4th dan) - 2nd forms, 2nd breaking, 1st sparring
Mr. Jun Min (3rd poom) - 1st forms, 3rd sparring
Mr. Drew Ohms (3rd poom) - 1st forms, 2nd breaking, 1st sparring
Morgan (blue belt, red tip) - 1st forms, 1st sparring
Toby (blue belt, red tip) - 2nd forms, 3rd breaking, 1st sparring
Hendrick (blue belt) - 2nd forms, 1st sparring
Rebecca (blue belt) - 3rd forms, 2nd sparring
Toua (green belt, blue tip) - 1st forms, 1st breaking, 1st sparring
Hayden (green belt, blue tip) - 3rd forms, 3rd breaking, 2nd sparring
Logan (yellow belt, green tip) - 2nd forms, 3rd sparring
Ian (yellow belt) - 1st forms, 2nd breaking, 1st sparring

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

TKD Testing - Friday, November 9th @ 6pm

The testing date has been changed form November 2nd to November 9th to avoid conflicts with the tournament on Saturday.

Monday, October 29, 2012

No Hapkido Class - Saturday, November 3rd

There will be no Hapkido class on November 3rd.  We will be attending the Central Wisconsin Taekwondo Championships tournament in Stevens Point.

More tournament info here:

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Black Belt Promotions

On Friday, October 5th American Taekwondo & Fitness held black belt testing for 5 individuals.  The examiners for the promotion test were GrandMasters Ronald Suggs from Swiss Home, Oregon and Henk Boese of Eau Claire, WI.

Drew Ohms was promoted to 3rd dan black belt, Deverick & Davin Ohms were promoted to 4th dan black belt, and John McCrackin & Mike Fenske were promoted to 5th dan black belt.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

2012 Hapkido Seminar a Big Success

On Saturday, October 6th American Taekwondo & Fitness hosted a Hapkido Seminar with special guest GrandMaster Ronald Suggs from Swiss Home, Oregon.  GM Suggs has been a good friend to ATF for years, and this was his 3rd visit to Eau Claire.  Some of his accolades in martial arts include a 9th Dan in Hapkido, founder of the United Hapkido Federation, 9th Dan Taekwondo Jidokwan, and 8th Dan Kukkiwon Taekwondo.

We appreciate his time spent with us and expertise.  There were 14 people in attendance for the event, and it was a gratifying experience for everyone.  The seminar began at 9:00am with warm-ups, and basic kicking techniques.  Over the next 4 hours students practiced joint locks, takedowns, striking, and ground fighting. The day concluded with lunch at Pizza Plus.

For more information, visit these links:

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Class Schedule Changes

The following changes will occur to the class schedule at American Taekwondo & Fitness:

Tuesday 6:30-7:50pm (Starting 8/21/2012)
Tournament Prep Class
Instructor: Henk Boese

Thursday 6:30-7:50pm (Starting 9/6/2012)
All Belts/Ages Class
Instructors: Davin & Deverick Ohms

Saturday 9:00-10:15am (Starting 9/8/2012)
Instructor: John McCrackin

The entire class schedule can be found here

Monday, August 6, 2012

2012 Olympic TKD TV Schedule

2012 Olympics
Taekwondo TV Schedule

August 9th
August 10th
August 11th

*MSNBC – Charter Channel - 57 or 684
*NBC SN – Charter Channel – 33 or 662

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Saturday Morning Classes

From June 2nd - August 31st there will be no Saturday morning classes.  Hapkido class will resume on September 2nd.

Monday, February 27, 2012

March Taekwondo Testing

Promotion testing will be held Friday, March 2nd at 6:00pm.  

Please have the form completed and turned in prior to testing.  

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Advanced Taekwondo Class

The Advanced Taekwondo Class begins Wednesday, February 1st.  

This class is recommended to anyone holding the rank between blue belt and black belt.  It will be a very physically demanding class with an emphasis of 'doing' Taekwondo, and less on 'learning' Taekwondo.  

The workout will begin at 7:05pm immediately following the All-Belts Class.  Students are expected to be warmed up and ready to go.  

Monday, January 23, 2012

Banbury Art Crawl 2012

Attention all current ATF students: Please plan to attend the Saturday morning class on February 4th. The Banbury Art Crawl draws a lot of people into the building, and it would be nice to have a good showing of our talents. Normal class runs from 9-10:15am, but we may extend or add extra classes for the duration of the event. Thanks!