Monday, September 22, 2014

Important Schedule Changes and Tournament Information

The following changes to the class schedule for Fall 2014 have taken affect.

Hapkido Classes Begin
  • Saturday: September 13th-December 13th.  9:00am-10:15am
Sport Taekwondo Classes and Tournament Preparation
  • Monday: September 22nd-October20th. 
    • This class will be dedicated to competition free-sparring.  Curriculum will include increased conditioning, drills, and Olympic style matches.
  • Wednesday: September 24th-October 22nd.  
    • Class structure will remain the same, but will include extra time devoted to poomsae and free-sparring.  
  • Saturday: September 27th-October 18th.  10:15am-10:45am. 
    • Immediately following the Hapkido class, time will be devoted entirely to poomsae and board-breaking routines. 
Upcoming Promotion Tests
  • October 3rd.  6:00pm
  • December 5th.  6:00pm

Upcoming Tournaments

6th Annual Waupaca Taekwondo Championships
Saturday October 25th
Waupaca Middle School
Free-Sparring, Poomsae, & Board-Breaking
$55/2 events.  $10 each additional