The examination began with an oral presentation detailing the history of Taekwondo, his experiences in the martial art, and his plans for future goals. The physical portion of the test was next, beginning with poomsae. Toby demonstrated the forms of Koryo, Taegeuk Pal Jang, and Taegeuk Oh Jang. After poomsae, Toby endured three 2-minute rounds of free-sparring against three different black belt opponents. Next portion of the test was self-defense. Toby deflected multiple attackers using striking skills, ground fighting, joint locks, and throws. After self-defense was board breaking. Toby developed a breaking routine to highlight his taekwondo strengths. Techniques in this routine included a drop punch, spinning backfist, jump-turning-backside kick, jumping-spin-hook, tornado roundhouse, flying-turning-backside kick, and a flying side kick. The next breaks were determined the judges panel. The first was a elbow strike through a cement paver, and the second was a dashing-sidekick through three boards.
The panel of examiners and black belt assistants for this test were GrandMaster Henk Boese, Master John McCrackin, Master Mike Fenske, Master Davin Ohms, Master Deverick Ohms, Drew Ohms, Dan Andersen, Jesse Scheuermann, and Morgan Andersen.
Toby Kinstler's Martial Arts Timeline
- 2009 - Began martial arts
- 2011 - Started classes at American TKD & Fitness
- 2012 - GM Ronald Suggs Hapkido Seminar - Eau Claire, WI
- 2012 - Competed at the Central WI TKD Champs - Stevens Point, WI
- 2013 - Day of Dance Demo - Chippewa Falls, WI
- 2013 - Exceptional Athletics Demo - Eau Claire, WI
- 2013 - Competed at the Central WI TKD Champs - Waupaca, WI
- 2014 - Evolution Circuit Free Sparring Seminar - Wausau, WI
- 2014 - Black Belt Test